Simer 6 - Applications

Simer 6 - Anwendung auf dem Flachdach

Flat roof

Heavy rain can often lead to large puddles and unwanted water on flat roofs. With the Simer 6, these can be drained and the water pumped away very easily. 


Every year, the question arises how to get the water out of the pool. Simply connect the Simer 6 to a suitable garden hose, put it in the pool and pump it out.

Simer 6 - Anwendung im Pool
Simer 6 - Anwendung im Keller


Nobody wants water in their basement! The Simer 6 helps to quickly and easily pump out water down to a residual water level of 2 mm in flooded cellars. 

Construction pits

It is not uncommon for water in the excavation pit to cause delays in construction. With the Simer 6, the excavation pit can be quickly cleared of annoying water. 

Simer 6 - Anwendung in einer Baugrube
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